12 Tips for Eating for More Energy Less Stress
As many of you already know, there is an incredible impact on your body on the type of FUEL you put into your body....Some foods will trigger stress in the body and others can actually help manage stress levels.
Think of your body like a car...the only difference is once your body breaks down you can't trade it in like you can with a car. So you want to make sure you are putting all the right fuels into your body to help it run more efficiently and at it's PEAK PERFORMANCE LEVEL. Here are a few tips to help you run on more energy, efficiently, and with less STRESS.
1) Stay hydrated- Ideally drinking approximately 1/2 of your body weight in oz per day will help with weight loss, flushing out toxins,improve your ability to think more clearly among many other benefits!
2)Eat Small Meals-By eating small meals throughout the the day, you are giving your body the opportunity to metabolize the fuel more efficiently. Think of your body like puting honey in a straw...If you put too much honey into the straw the body won't be able to breakdown the food as efficiently and will just store to fat.
3)Eat Leafy Green Salads-Good form of roughage and will give you more energy and help eliminate waste.
4)Choose High Anti-Oxidant Fruits- Fruits that are high in anti-oxidants will again help flush out toxins and give you more energy. Some examples would be many from the berry family...such as goji berries, blue berries, strawberries, and blackberries to name a few.
5)Make sure to start your day with a good breakfast that includes a combination of carbs. protein, and fat.
6)Take your multi vitamins- Many of us are not getting enough nutrients for our bodies just from the food alone we eat. It is imperative that we get the sufficient vitamins and minerals in order for our bodies to run more efficiently.
7)Avoid/ Reduce processed sugars, caffeine, alcohol,soft drinks,high fat foods and heavily processed. These items can act as a false stimulant and also act as a depressant.
8)Log your food-Be aware of what you are putting into your body. Sometimes we don't realize what exactly we are eating until we write it down. As the saying goes, we can't manage what we don't measure.
9)Eating foods that are high in Omega-3's. Salmon and fish oil are a great source of omega 3's which greatly impacts stress levels in the body.
10) Eating foods that are high in Vitamin C - Helps manage cortisol levels better and also helps with the absorbancy of other nutrients to the body.
11)Consuming "Clean Foods"- Foods containing high nutrients and less processed fats.
12)Incorporate protein and complex carbohydrates- The body uses more protein and complex carbohydrates when under stress.
*** Lastly, don't forget to BREATHE.........!!!!